Learn from the most experienced didgeridoo players and teachers in the Upper Midwest. We offer both private instruction and workshops. Contact us to arrange lessons.

Didgeridoo Mouthpieces
- It’s more fun than you ever thought would be possible blowing on a hollow stick.
- It feels great and sounds fantastic.
- It’s great for meditation, sound healing, and making music.
- It’s a recommended treatment for those with sleep apnea and snoring.
- And you even look cool playing it!
The didgeridoo (didjerdidoo, didjeridu, didg, didj, etc.) has its roots in the ancient instrument of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. It is an amazing, great and powerful sounding instrument, useful for music-making, meditation, and sound healing. In addition to being fun and facilitating an enhanced sense of well-being, the didg can improve breathing, provide exercise and massages the internal organs.
Didgeridoo, Sleep Apnea and Asthma: Numerous medical and sleep disorder organizations are recommending that playing the didgeridoo (also didjeridoo, didjeridu, didg, didj) can help people with sleep apnea, a common disorder that can have serious health implications, and also some cases of snoring that have a throat component. These include the USA National Institutes of Health and the Mayo Clinic. Please refer to Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea for more info. Medical studies in Australia also indicate that playing the didgeridoo may also help reduce asthma symptoms.
This beginning workshop will cover basic sounds, techniques, breathing, instrument selection and more. We will have excellent budget didgeridoos available for sale.
Beginning Didgeridoo Workshops: Minneapolis
Saturday, November 12, 1-3pm
Saturday, November 12, 1-3pm
Teacher: Steve Sklar
Location: Skysong Studio
3427 N. Colfax Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55412
612-518-9886 (Steve)
Cost: $50
Quotes and Endorsements
“A scientific study published in the British Medical Journal in February 2006 tested didgeridoo playing to see if it could improve obstructive sleep apnea. The results were quite positive, with the conclusion being regular didgeridoo playing is an effective treatment alternative well accepted by patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
“Steve Sklar has been teaching didgeridoo for many years. We have referred interested patients to him, and those that have attended classes have seen an improvement in the apnea. He is a dedicated professional and is working hard to improve the lives of those with sleep apnea, as well as spreading the word that there are alternative treatments to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and that the “treatment” can be fun!”
Mary McKinley, R. EEG T., RPSGT, RST
Northwind Lung Specialists and Sleep Center
3758 Coon Rapids Boulevard
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
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“Steve Sklar is an excellent teacher of the didgeridoo. As someone with no musical talent or skills, who has taken up the didgeridoo to help combat sleep apnea, I have greatly appreciated Steve’s attentive, patient, supportive and structured approach. You could not put yourself in better hands. I highly recommend Steve.” — John Du Cane, CEO, Dragon Door Publications
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“Steve is an artist at his musical workmanship and at teaching his gift of playing and singing. I study the didg with him. He is very patient and creative with those of us who don’t have as much natural aptitude as musicians in this area! In the meantime, he helps me feel successful and like ‘I can do this!’. He’s a gift to all of us. We’re fortunate to have his skill and his wonderful ability to share it, right in our own back yard. Many thanks!” – Becky Gorman
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“Steve is an attentive teacher who can break it down and get you playing the didg. I have moderate sleep apnea and I find playing the didg at home for just a half hour several times a week gets me sleeping deeper and longer.” – Michael Gardos Reid, Minneapolis